Relationship with God

Wait Until… God’s Perfect Timing

Wait Until…

How hard is it to wait? We are such a fast, quick, get it done now kind of generation. What if there is a place and a new level of understanding God wants to bring us into? That secret place of hearing His voice and seeking Gods face in His perfect timing, as we learn new levels of Him walking in the secret place.

I am reading this great book called Secrets of the secret place by Bob Sorge, I totally recommend reading it. He is the one who brought this title to me about Wait Until… The words just leapt off the page I just knew God wanted to expand on this revelation.

A Time for Everything

For some time now, I keep hearing about times and seasons. I really think God is trying to reveal to me some new truth of understanding His word. In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 & 11. Let’s go together and read these words from the Bible.

A Time for Everything

For everything there is a season a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. Ecc. 3:1-8 11

I heard these particular words in my quiet time with the Lord, Life is rhythmically moving in patterns melodically as a captivating symphony. Exquisite beauty we capture briefly time after time, seasons after seasons, in little moments when we learn to Hear and heed His Word. I really feel God wants His children to know the times and seasons we are in. God really wants that quiet and special time with us daily in HIs presence. Running into the secret place, He is already waiting for us.

Will we give him our time, our schedule, our agenda, just be with God waiting until….

He longs to visit with you. We do hear His voice. Don’t let the enemy lie to us. We do hear our Shepherds voice. You are his sheep, and you can hear His voice. Stop everything, come aside, Listen, and “Wait on Him, Wait Until…

“My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow Me” John 10:27

Lana Vawser Prophetic Word

These are the words of Lana Vawser; I so recommend getting her books and prophetic words she speaks daily on social media. She had a dream. And the Lord spoke loudly “One of the next things I am going to teach my people is about My Timing. This so resonating in my spirit I knew this was God speaking to me again on this subject about His Timing.

She explains in her vision she saw someone walking on a long dusty road and they were carrying a backpack. The sense was this backpack was important to them and they were keeping it close to them, but when she looked closer the backpack was so heavy. whatever was inside was really weighing them down.

She saw Jesus appear to them on this road and He smiled, and He asked that what was in the backpack to be given to Him. She realized there was a new level of surrender that the Lord was asking for.

I watched as this person took their backpack off their back, they pulled out a huge clock. The meaning of the clock came to her. It was Timing it was Mans Timing and the expectation of man when they think He is going to move or should move. There was such a moment of encounter with the heart of Jesus, the love of Jesus and His goodness. They fell to their knees weeping and threw the clock at Jesus feet.

There was such a beautiful moment of encounter as Jesus ushered them into a deeper realm of encountering His heart of love, His perfect ways and the revelation that His Timing is Perfect.
The clock transformed into a garden and together they stepped in. They began to walk in the garden together and the Lord was speaking and teaching them about His Timing. There was a wind blowing that was revelation to understand times and seasons. Please go here to Lana Vawser to read this whole entire prophecy so good and she has great book out called New Era

Deeper Level of Surrendering

What I want us to see is that God is trying to take us to another level of surrendering to His Perfect Timing. She goes on to say that the Lord is breaking delay. but also, many have labeled God’s process and waiting for His appointed time as delay. Woah! that hit me hard that I have looked at waiting as a delay! I think God is trying to reveal to us a deeper understanding of His Timing. God has given us an invitation to go deeper into His Heart to learn more about His Ways, His Seasons, and His Timing. Help us not to have the mindset that it is a delay. Lord forgive us for thinking that way!

When we neglect being with God in the secret place {His garden} we miss being washed and cleansed and renewed in His presence. We miss getting fed by the richness of God’s Word; we miss taking the time to calm our hectic heart and Hear his Precious Voice, and we miss the intimate communion of the secret garden. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss anything God is saying or doing in our lives. O, how I want to be in His presence and be called His friend.

Wait not Delay

If I can ignite or challenge us to not look at waiting as a delay but Gods Appointed Time and encourage us to step into the secret garden with Jesus to let Him reveal deep revelations and His all-consuming Love to us. The free access we now have because of Christ’s blood is utterly amazing. We’re still weak and sinful, and yet we are able to come into the immediate presence of His Holiness. What a privilege! think about this, God has killed himself (literally) to bring us into His presence. He is waiting for us in the secret place {garden} to show us His goodness, His love, His revelations.

I don’t think we can truly fathom the depths and understandings of God but O’ how I want to dig in, grow deeper, want more of His revelations and goodness and to be called HIs friend.

Don’t you?

Let’s look in Pslam 27:14 and see what it says about the word wait.

Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalm 27:14

In the Strong’s Concordance the word wait is called qavah (kaw-vaw) to wait, look for, hope, expect, look eagerly for, linger for, to collect, bind together, collect- gather. These words are so exciting, encouraging, and exhorting, Our God is all about intimacy and relationship, He so wants us to seek Him, gather, collect, hope, and linger after Him and be in His presence, seek after His Word, and sit at His feet. What a new way of understanding Wait Until…

So, let’s get before Him today and seek His face and worship him. Here is some beautiful Worship by Kimberly and Alberto called All Things New and Rick Pino called Alter Sessions… I pray you enter into His presence into {secret garden} Hear His Voice, Embrace with His Love, Seek His Word,


Rick Pino The Altar Sessions
All Things New

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