Relationship with God Self-Care

Loving yourself Instead of Loving the Idea of other People Loving you

Love yourself

I think we do need to love ourselves and also take care of ourselves. I am all for self-care and pampering myself. I absolutely love candles, bubble bath, spa’s, journaling, doing all the things to refresh and rejuvenate oneself. There just needs to be a balance in our lives as well, so we don’t have the “it’s all about me mentality”.

Everything in life is about having balance. The world doesn’t resolve all around me, lol, but we think so sometimes. We just need to know who we are in Christ Jesus. Our true identity resolves around what the Word of God says about us. God’s love for us should be what truly matters!

I’ve been struggling with needing to belong. not sure, where this is all coming from, but I feel like I need to write it all out and get some clarity.

I am realizing that there are insecurities, jealousy, and self-pity trying to come on me. That place of not feeling needed is coming at me in all directions. Yes, these emotions or mindsets need to be addressed.

Have A Grateful Heart

There is a real struggle to fight these negative responses. My heart is to walk in freedom and with a positive mentality. To learn to walk with a heart of Thanksgiving daily in my life. We should be grateful everyday of our lives and live from Victory to Victory!

I have a sign I bought for my home that reads “Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart” I bought it to just remind me daily to be grateful!

Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart

Why do we feel like we have to belong?

What makes us have that urgency to feel needed?

Is that notion of belonging, God given or fleshly minded?

We always hear, we need to renew our minds, stop having old mind sets, be willing to change! Set our minds on things above! Fill our minds with Gods Promises!

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2


I do believe God created us to be a family and that we all need each other. There is a sense of belonging on the inside of us to be loved and needed. So, we see that is part of Gods plan for us to be one with Him and to be a family.

There is another spectrum to see, that is Pride. We think about our own selfish desires where everything revolves around me, myself, and I.

Oh how we need to learn to discern the difference. The place of belonging to one another is very important. I believe we need each other more than we realize. We all have different gifting and purposes that intertwine as we work together as a family. There is a genuine comradery we should have to accomplish our goals and achieve the ultimate purpose, which is sharing the Gospel to the world. I need you and you need me.

For in fact the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. 1 Corinthians 12: 14-18

Do you think we as Gods family will walk in this, truly loving one another as brothers and sisters in Christ?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34

Lord teach us to love like you love us!


Different Forms of Pride

We need to see pride can come in all different forms. As we learn these truths and hopefully stop what the enemy is trying to put in our thoughts by taking them captive and commanding them to leave. We can call this stinking thinking and we need to remove this mentality from our mind and spirit.

Different forms of Pride:

  1. Self-pity or self-demotion: can be a type of pride. All our focus is on what others think of you. The practice of comparison and competition welcomes the temptation of pride. The need that self-pity feels. It does not come from a sense of unworthiness, but from a sense of unrecognized worthiness. It is the response of Un applauded pride. Ouch!!! that one hurts.
  2. Self-condemnation: A pride that judges itself, I’ve always believed any condemnation is not of God, but that it is coming from the enemy. Never condemn yourself. This form of pride occurs when a person condemns there self because he or she does not meet there own standard.
  3. Self-degradation pride: tears itself down. When you tear yourself down, you are being prideful because you are self-absorbed.
  4. Self-promotion: I think we just need to be careful to not let this pride come in when we have achievements and others are promoting us, or giving us credit for something.. To realize its all by the Grace of God!, but I do want to say, I think when others promote or congratulate us, that’s not a bad thing. I do think we need encouragement from each other. We just need to make sure we don’t become prideful.
  5. Self-exaltation: This pride gives credit to itself, thinking to highly of oneself and becoming arrogant.
  6. Self-justification pride: expects credit from God Himself. The thought that you can earn Gods approval by your own actions is a deadly form of pride. You don’t have to earn His approval, He gives His love and approval through Jesus who loves us unconditionally. We don’t have to earn His Love and approval. It is by His Grace that we are saved.

Sense of Self-Worth

Social Media

When did we get so needy to think everything depends on likes and comments on social media?

Do I need to validate myself through what others think about me rather it be good or bad?

Why do we compare ourselves to others?

We need to remind ourselves that, in Christ, we have everything we need. We don’t need to hold out for something from another person to make us complete.

We need to understand that our self-worth is only in Jesus Christ! Nothing else. Jesus Loves you and me just as we are. With our pride, filthy rags. sins, and weaknesses. His mercy is never failing and His love everlasting. His arms are always open to us.

We want to be careful that we don’t allow our emotions to turn into a stronghold of depression, loneliness, envy, doubt, or fear.

It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8

What or whom are you relying on for your sense of self-worth?

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