Holy Spirit

I love to worship my Lord and Savior. There is nothing like it when his presence shows up and begin to flow one accord with Holy Spirit. It feels like a journey He takes me on when I yield myself and just enter into His presence. Sometimes it feels like waves upon waves of His goodness and mercy showering over me. Knowing we have the freedom and the honor to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth with our whole hearts there nothing else I rather do. Here are a few songs we did in our home just enjoying His goodness and His love. I pray it ministers to you.

Woods Session 1

All Is Well

What gives you peace in your life? Well, I will tell you what helps me is singing and playing my keyboard and just spending time in Worship with my Lord. Songs like Jesus Loves me, Amazing Grace, and God that healeth thee really touch my heart and bring me peace. These songs have minister throughout my life in difficult times. I find myself in the hard times singing songs to lift my spirit and to give Him Praise. When I can truly get in His presence everything else just drifts away. It’s like just Jesus and me in the moment. He is all that matters. My mind and heart stays on thee. All my anxieties, worries, cares of this world would leave I can just think of the goodness of God and His love for me. And His love envelopes me like a warm blanket and deep within my spirit I can say:

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
So when we get in a state of worry, anxiety, fear, and stress let’s remember to sing, play, or say:


God Is My Peace

In His presence is fullness of joy & in His presence I have peace. When the enemy tries to bring fear and doubt in my life I can say GOD IS MY PEACE and always speak the name of JESUS in every trial and through every storm that comes my way. IN THE NAME OF JESUS ALL THINGS (EVERYTHING) HAS TO BOW IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH.

Call On The Name Of Jesus

No matter what is going on in the world, in my mind, or in my life Jesus is always there all I have to do is Call on the Name of Jesus. Rather, I had a horrible dream and couldn’t sleep, which happens to me from time to time, or stress from life, fear that grips me and just won’t let go. I can say or sing the Name Of Jesus all demons has to flee. Thank You Jesus.

It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Matt 4:4

Also we see this in Duet 8:3. We are Gods mouth piece so every word that comes from our mouth, I’m going to take it a step further, and say , our thoughts what we think matters. We can speak life or death in the power of our tongue. I like the MSG version it says:

Words can kill, words give life, they’re either poison or fruit you choose!!! Prov 18:21

What We say is powered by what is in our hearts & minds . We need to guard our hearts.

Five Senses

What we see, touch, taste, hear, and smell all of our senses needs to be guarded daily:

See: What am I watching and seeing daily in my life? Is it pleasing to God? What am I allowing my eyes to see on a daily basis, Is it for my good? Is it satisfying my flesh or lifting my spirit? Is it pleasing in Gods eyes? If He was visibly sitting beside me, does it honor Jesus? I am so speaking to myself in this area.

Feel/ Touch: Your sense of touch is several different senses rolled into one. It is so easy to let our emotions get the best of us. Frustration, anger, sadness, and anguish so many emotions we have to deal with. We need to learn to walk and grow in the fruits of the Spirit like meekness, faith, self control etc… We need to not let our emotions control us. The scripture in Heb 4:15 helps us have a deeper understanding.

For we have not an high priest which can not be touched with feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin Hebrews 4:15

What does our hands touch daily? What do we allow to come into our homes, alcohol, cigarettes, certain music not uplifting, certain foods that are bad for us, books, all these things are touching our lives is it feeding our spirit or our flesh?

Taste: What we taste? Are we allowing what we say in our speech be sour or sweet? Is the taste in our mouth wholesome, honest, true, noble, or good report? We need to realize our thoughts bring forth what we speak. Out of the abundance of our hearts our mouth speaks. What is in our hearts effects our thoughts bring forth what we speak.

Spirit of Truth

Hear: What are we hearing? Are we allowing the right voice to speak to us? Can we hear that still small voice tapping at our hearts door. We need to protect our ears to hear what Holy Spirit is saying to us daily. Are we getting up and saying good morning Holy Spirit, what are we doing today? Are we crucifying our flesh daily and allowing Holy Spirit to rule and reign in our daily walk? We truly need to understand Holy Spirit is triune of God the Father, God the Son, and Holy Spirit as one.

If I go I will send you another comforter

and He will abide with you

Spirit Of Truth

When the Spirit of Truth Comes, He will guide you into all Truth

He will not speak of his own but will tell you what he has

heard. He will tell you about the future.

John 16:13

Smell: Smell is intertwined with memory and emotions.
What is your favorite smell? Think about the smell of a cup of hot coffee in the morning, marshmallows roasting on an open camp fire, or a cake baking in the oven. What kind of memories does that bring you too? There’s nothing like your first cup of coffee in the morning. I love the smell of coffee the freshness of roasted coffee beans brewing. That first cup in the crisp morning, sitting outside watching the sun gradually peeking over the horizon thinking about beginning a new day. Smells do bring out certain memories and emotions.

When we follow the Lord allowing him first place in our life living in his presence daily we begin manifesting a certain aroma and pray it is a sweet smell unto the Lord. All through the Old Testament it talks about a pleasing aroma to the Lord, burning sacrifices is all through the Bible. KJV version speaks of a sweet savoir unto the Lord, of course, what pleases God is not simply the smell of burning grains and spices rather, the Lord is honored by the faithfulness of the one who presents the offering. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. He was the offering for us and our sins, a pleasing aroma to God. We should live a life filled with sacrificial love following the example of Christ. Our acts of love for others delight the Lord with his favorite smell. Just helping the neighbor across the street, coworker in daily tasks, Encouraging a friend and doing the simple things for one another, taking time for each other sharing the Love of Jesus in our daily lives.

Do You Think God Actually likes Certain Smells?

Why or why Not?

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