Living Waters

When you say Living Waters, what is the first thing that comes in your mind? Is it Refreshing? Renewing? Holy Fire? Holy Spirit? Rivers of Life? I think it’s all of these and more. What is your understanding of Living Waters? As I meditate on the scriptures, we see different analogies referring to Living Waters. I was reading in the you version, by the way, a great Bible app. and I was pondering John 7:38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water. John 7:38 KJV

Let us look at the word LIVING… In the Greek we see the word living means to live, breathe, be among the living (NOT LIFELESS, NOT DEAD) active, blessed, endless in the Kingdom of God- to be fresh, strong efficient, and powerful.

Now let’s see what water is in this context. It is referring to waters in rivers, in fountains, in pools, water of the deluge, waves of the sea. Deluge is like a downpour or a great flood of water.

Rivers Of Living Water

As I was watching Tim Janis on you tube there were all these pictures of waves crashing over the beach so peaceful, but I started pondering how much of the waves were so alive, moving, flowing, and it made me realize that it is the Holy Spirit in our lives. He is alive, moving, living inside us. As we learn to yield to Him in surrender. We learn to stir up Holy Spirit in us daily. He will come alive more in our lives as we allow Him too. Just like the waves in the ocean are spraying, moving, have such strength with grace. I realize the understanding of Holy Spirit who is part of the Triune of God is Moving, Living, Alive and is living in us.

Peace of Living Water

As I have been praying more in the Spirit, I have allowed Holy Spirit to guide me through His Word daily. I have a new Peace, receiving new understanding, and a new freshness on life. I am seeing how important it is to pray in tounges and allow interpretation to come in English. I am still learning about this concept, but I see such a different way of communicating with the Lord. The scripture in
1 Cor 14:15

So, here’s what I’ve concluded. I will pray in the Spirit, but I will also pray with my mind engaged. I will sing rapturous praises in the Spirit, but I will also sing with my mind engaged. 1 Cor 14:15 TPT

I have struggled with this for years understanding how to pray in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tounges. I was brought up a Baptist preacher’s kid. So, I am not here to debate the scriptures, I’m working out my own relationship and salvation, finding what works for me in my life. I pray you work out yours as well and we can find a common ground.

Since the revelation of this Word, it has brought me to a new place in my prayer life. I have so much to learn but I am enjoying praying in the Spirit and in English. In my experience Holy Spirit brings me to the Word of God. I get a clearer understanding and scriptures come to me. (This is always exciting to me).

Always remember Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will always bring us to the Scripture and His Promises to bear witness with our spirit. Holy Spirit is the Living Water, it is alive and living in us.

Living Water Never Thirst Again

Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:13-14 KJV

For me trying to describe how I feel when I pray in the Spirit lately it has been so breath taking. There is such of an overwhelming peace overflowing inside me, it is like no other. It is exhilarating and intoxicating to have such a tangible presence of God, His unconditional love and peace upon me. We so need Holy Spirit, Living Water, in our lives with all the turmoil that is going on in the world.

Words of Encouragement

Praying In the Spirit these were some encouraging words I heard. I pray they encourage you as well.

My strength I give to you, not as the world gives, but words I give to you my child, words of Encouragement, Peace, Rest not as the world gives, but as my Father in Heaven. Peace, Sweet Peace my child, Peace of complete Rest. As I lay me down to sleep, my soul to rest and keep thee in Perfect Peace, not as the world gives. My Peace, Godly Peace, Godly Strength, as the sprays of the water flow out into the ocean, washing away of the old, bringing forth the new washing of my Word, cleanses the soul, makes us white as snow, the washing of my Word comes into waves after waves

Strength with Grace

Physical Water

We need water to live it is all sustaining. Water washes, cleanses, refreshes us. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H. H. Mitchell, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. It is important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

Seven health benefits of water:

Here’s a few ways it does the body good!!!

  1. water protects your tissues, spinal cord and joints
  2. Water helps your body remove waste
  3. Water aids in digestion
  4. Water prevents you from becoming dehydrated
  5. Water helps your brain function optimally
  6. Water keeps your cardiovascular system healthy
  7. Water can help you eat healthier

We see, we need to get our water intake for sure!!! We should be getting 11.5 cups of water for women per day. 15.5 cups of water for men per day. That could be from water, beverages and food such as fruits and vegetables. We can always test our urine to tell if we possibly are dehydrated. If it is very pale yellow to light yellow, you are well hydrated. Darker yellow could be a sign of dehydration. Brown or dark could be a medical emergency.

Spiritual Water

So we realize how much we need physical water to sustain us, but we need our Living water or Spiritual water to sustain us as well! As you see in our lives we need physical and spiritual revelations in our walk with God. God has been showing this to me through out my life. How important to know the two concepts in our relationship with God. How we need to learn there is a physical and spiritual understanding, we need to get in balance and learn the foundation of this. If you think about it, Jesus was human (physical) and (spiritual), so we should understand we need both in our lives. I am not there yet by no means, but I’m still learning, precept upon precept. John 7:39 tells us who this Living Water is.

But He was speaking of the Holy Spirit whom those who believed in Him (as Savior) were to receive afterward. The Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor). John 7:39Amp

We noticed in verse John 7:38 as we wrote about earlier. He spoke out of his belly will flow rivers of Living Water and in the next verse He explains He was speaking of the Holy Spirit. Lord let us see how vital Holy Spirit is in our lives daily. He is the Spiritual Water we need just as much if not more than our physical water.

Living Waters

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