How Do We Overcome Our Weaknesses

Know Your Weaknesses

You have to know your weaknesses to be successful!

Father help us not to get ahead of You or lag behind You, but help us to stay in step with You!

What are your weaknesses?

Try to think about where you have difficulties in life that you can see that need God’s touch? Where we need His strength to help us in these areas.


We all have weaknesses, but do we ever admit to ourselves those secret areas that need to be revealed? So, we can learn from them to grow and mature in those certain places of our heart.

He said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2Cor 12:9

You have to know your weaknesses

We need to learn to give our weaknesses to God let him show us how to grow in His strength not our own.

Let’s look back at 2 Cor 12:9 Gods strength is made perfect in weakness. Perfect is referring to complete, to make perfect, to accomplish, finish, and fulfill. So, Gods strength is made (complete, accomplish, and fulfill) in our weakness.

Ways to Overcome Weaknesses

How do we overcome our weaknesses? I’m sure there are different ways to overcome but here are a few I want to mention about.

  • We need to realize there are weaknesses in all of us. First step is to admit that to ourselves. We all have those areas in our lives that need work and how much we need Gods mighty Strength.
  • Secondly, we need to realize we need God’s strength. He wants us to ask him for help. We are not made to do life all alone we need our Heavenly Father to help us.
  • Thirdly, we need each other iron sharpens iron. We need to have accountability for each other. To work together through our differences and learn to grow through our strengths and weaknesses.

As Iron sharpens Iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27: 17

  • Fourthly, we need God’s Word to let it guide and teach us into all Truth. So, we can learn how-to walk-in God’s strength.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2Tim 3:16

God’s Strength

What is God’s Strength?

How do we walk in God’s strength?

Let’s look at the meaning of strength. First of all, it is the quality of being strong. Second, it is power that comes from influence; and when God is your influence, it will give you great strength. Third it is power that comes from authority and God must be your authority. Then you can use that authority on the devil and trample him underfoot. Fourth, strength is power that comes from resources, and God must be your source of supply.

God’s strength in the Hebrew speaks of miraculous power. How we need God’s miraculous power in our lives. We see our power works best in weakness. Somehow, incredibly, the things that drive you crazy about yourself might be central to the fulfillment of your potential. Your weaknesses don’t disqualify you. They actually qualify you even more because they are the portal through which God’s miraculous power permeates your life. That doesn’t mean you never need to change. Of course, you never stop changing, but it means the current version of you is the right version of you for this moment.

Stop stressing and straining to be a different you, because the real you is perfect and priceless. It’s not only what God has to work with. It’s what God wants to work with. And from that starting place, progress is possible.

I asked earlier, how we walk in God’s strength. What is your answer?

I believe there has to be a trust we build more and more as we follow after God’s heart.

Do we truly trust in God with everything in our lives and allow him to be our Strength?

Never Trust Self

We must depend on God’s strength because human strength runs out too quickly. Human strength relies on the things of the earth —- food, sleep, exercise, water, sunshine and so forth. —- but those things are not enough to make us strong in the Lord.

You can never trust the flesh because everything about it is weak, while everything about the Holy Spirit is strength. That is why you have to depend on divine strength and never glory in your own.

You must have and use the Divine Strength of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and it is never in short supply.

Not by Might; nor by Power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts. Zech 4:6

When you depend on God’s strength, it strengthens the whole person—- soul, mind, and body.

God Strong Grace Strong

God Strong Grace Strong

The Bible says,

Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong’ Joel 3:10

“This verse refers to being strong in the Lord; and when you are, you are strong in divine love, grace, and peace. There is no ego in any of those things. When the right arm and right hand of God are moving for you, you have nothing to fear. You are “God Strong” “Grace Strong” and never forget those two phrases. The flesh is too weak to perform spiritual things or to fight the power of the devil. That is why Paul said,

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 2 Cor 10:3,4

Through divine strength, we can pull down the powers of the devil and stomp them underfoot.

Fly like the Eagle

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Going into Isaiah 40:31, why did God say they shall mount up with wings as eagles?

Eagles enjoy storms because they can rise above them into the sunshine above the clouds. They spread their big wings; and the harder the wind blows, the higher they go.

However, eagles do not rely on their own strength to rise above the storms; they depend on certain warm air currents to lift them up. They use very little of their own strength because they do very little of flapping their wings. It is not uncommon for eagles to flap their wings for only a couple of minutes during a flight that lasts an hour, yet they still sail high up in the sky. They just spread their wings and the Lord takes care of the rest.

Eagles have an impressive wingspan, and they would grow tired very quickly if they continually had to flap their own wings. We won’t make it very far either if we insist on depending on our own strength; but when we depend on God’s strength, then like the eagles, we will rise up above the storms of life into God’s sunshine.

When will we learn to lean on the Everlasting Father and His ALL-POWERFUL MAJESTIC STRENGTH!!!

Why do we insist on trying to do things on our own and with human reasoning?


  1. I enjoyed the way you unpacked the Scriptures here with some powerful lessons – for in Jesus’ words “Blessed are the weak…”

    1. Thanks so much for responding Sharon glad you enjoyed reading please come again! God Bless

  2. This was so encouraging and mindset-shifting. Thank you for giving me something to think about and take action for the present season I am in. God bless the works of your hands.

    1. Thanks so much Vernica, for responding I’m glad it encourage you and you stopped by! God Bless

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