
I’ve always been fascinated by lighthouses!

What is the significance of a light house? Why do they intrigue me so much?
We see lighthouses everywhere around the ocean to help ships come into the harbor. That is what I think about when I am looking at lighthouses.

What do you think about when referring to a lighthouse?

As we ponder more on this word, it tells us in webster the meaning of lighthouse is a structure (such as a tower) with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators. A lighthouse is a tower containing a powerful flashing lamp, sirens, foghorn, built on the coast or on a small island. Lighthouses are used to guide ships or to warn them of danger.

I haven’t heard this before, but lighthouses have traditionally been viewed as symbols of Hope and Security.

History of Lighthouses

Guiding ships for countless centuries lighthouses have fascinating histories. From humble beginnings as primitive flames to their automation today. These flashing lights have come a long way. Their historic beginnings stretch right back to Egypt, where one of the seven wonders of the ancient world was in fact a lighthouse.

The first lighthouse in recorded history was Egypt’s Pharos of Alexandria built around 280BC, the source of light was a huge open fire. It was also the tallest one ever built, standing at 450ft high.

In the ancient world, mariners would use man-made piles of rocks as day markers and the glow of volcanoes as a guide at night. Bonfires were also used.

While the word “lighthouse” itself doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible, translators, and interpreters give it life. In the many verses that portray God, the Word, and Christ as embodiments light. As symbols of Christianity, lighthouses have a special meaning. Light has a great significance in all Jewish festivals. Passover is a dusk-to-dusk celebration; thus, sunset and the lighting-up of the lighthouse at dusk is a popular image at Passover.

The Old Testament is rife with references to light and the banishing of darkness.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path Psalm 119:105

As symbols of Christianity, lighthouses have a special meaning, they represent the guidance, refuge, and salvation that characterized the life of Christ and the meaning of the Easter season.

Many churches have the word “lighthouse” in their names. Some also take the shape of a lighthouse or have a lighthouse as a part of their architecture or logo.

A Beacon of Light is a Lighthouse

A beacon of light is a lighthouse that is set on a hill. This is what God created the Church and every Christian to be in the society, lights that dispel the darkness of the community. The concept of light in scriptures is detailed. Before the introduction of light, the whole world was enveloped in darkness until God spoke “Let there be light” (Gen 1:3). God’s Word transformed the face of the earth. His command brought light into existence, which gave man the first glimmer of Hope and Salvation from the darkness. Thereafter, God created the sun and moon to give lights to the earth (Gen 1:14-19). God will in eternity future be the Source of Light (Rev 21:23). We also know that Jesus has always been the light from eternity past. He is the personification of the true light. Jesus came as the light to bring man out from the powers of darkness.

God’s Word is like a Lighthouse

The definition of a beacon is a person or thing that warns, guides, or offers support. A lighthouse is an example of a beacon. That makes me think of God’s Word as a guide, warns, and offers support just like a lighthouse. Oh, how much we need God’s Word to permeate our lives. We need to allow the Infallible Word of God to become our beacon, our lighthouse, our guide. Allowing God’s Word to become such a daily awakening in our lives. Just like we eat practical food we need to allow God’s Word to be our spiritual food and nourishment. Oh, how we need God’s Word to become every morsel of our being that we would eat the scrolls to bring us life, light, and truth into all our darkness illuminating us like a light, beacon, and just like a lighthouse.

And He said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you.” So, I ate, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness. Ezekiel 3:3

The Infallible Word of God

Word of God

For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

When you see a light house now, I hope it has more meaning for you thinking about God’s Infallible and Impenetrable Word, that brings us Life, Light, and Truth.

A midst, the darkness and stormy seas of life, are you committed to keeping your eyes on the light even if it may appear to be far into the distance?

What guides you and gives you a beacon of hope, along your path of life?

Who or what serves as a “lighthouse” in your life?


  1. This is so beautiful and encouraging! I will never think of lighthouses in the same way. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by Patti I’m glad you enjoyed it! God Bless

    1. I’m so glad you are enjoying my blog! Come again! God Bless you!

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